Cubic Yardage Calculator

Want the calculator to do the thinking for you? Here are two. The first does all the measurements in feet and gives you the cubic yards needed. The second does the same but measures the depth in inches rather than feet.

Cubic Yardage Calculator Cubic Yardage Calculator With Depth In Inches

Interested in the theory of measuring, then please read on.

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Let's begin with a simple rectangle bed. To arrive at a cubic measurement, that means that we need to multiply three sides. In our case, it’s the length of the bed (15') times the width (23') times the depth (1').Multiplying those three number resulting in 345 cubic feet. To convert 345 cubic feet to cubic yards, divide by 27. Your answer is 12.78 cubic yards.

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But what happens if our bed isn’t a true rectangle? One of the measurements is different than the other side? Our length measurement on A is still 15', but on the other side is 22'.  Multiplying those three number resulting in 345 cubic feet. To convert 345 cubic feet to cubic yards, divide by 27. Your answer is 12.78 cubic yards.

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Let’s add a little more complexity. We now have a curve on one side.  In this case, we are going to take three measurements. 15' + 16' +22' = 53'. Because we took three measurements, we will need to divide our 53' number and divide by three to get the average width. Your answer should be 17.67. Now going back to the original calculation of length (17.67) x width (23) x depth (1) results in total cubic footage of 406.41. To convert to cubic yardage, we divide by 27 = 15.06 cubic yards.If we want to be more exact, we could take more measurements of the curved side and add them all together. Just remember that to get an average, you need to divide that sum by the number of measurements taken. So for example of you take 7 measurements rather than the three in our example, you would need to divide the total by 7, rather than three.

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